Sunday, 25 May 2014

potted, happy wedding day, busy girl, and in her room

1 A morning of running around getting supplies but an early afternoon putting it all together. I love making hanging and potted baskets with annuals. Every year I say I'm not going to do it because it's too expensive but every year I see their little happy flower heads and give in!
2 Finding out that a lovely friend (who lives on the island) has just married. Wishing them every joy in their new life together!
3 Isabelle and Grampa hang out riding the motorcycle and then rebuilding and painting the free standing birdhouse. She has been wanting to paint with us ever since we have moved here so it's great to see this dream of hers come true. Then it was my turn and we do magic on her hands with soap and water. She liked seeing the paint, "disappear!"
3a After dinner she plays in "her room" and snuggles up with 10 pillows and 3 stuffies!

1 comment:

Leonora said...

I'm the same way about potted plants. They're like creating little paintings- mixing and matching the colors and shapes of the flowers.