Saturday, 31 May 2014

words to live by, bite me, eggs

1 In class Friday the topic is anger management and how to handle anger in different situations. The book says, if you cannot avoid a situation, "Be Decent, Be Kind."
2 We did some exploring of the area the other day and headed away from the lake and to the mountains. The area is much greener and more lush than near our home which isn't in a valley, near a creek and is much more exposed. Once the sun goes down it's much cooler than we expected and the mosquitoes are waiting for a chance to grab a quick bite!
3 The sign said that he sold eggs and he did not misrepresent. The farm fresh eggs are lovely shades of browns and soft white and are so large the lid barely fits on the egg carton. We will sample these lovelies tomorrow.
3a The egg man was a talker! Whoowhee!

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