Tuesday, 3 June 2014

train me, stormy weather, my chef, and drink of the gods

1 It's a work day. I feel so lucky to be able to say that! Gotta love your work and today it was switchboard training, just what I love.
2 There's a storm out there. My drive home is along the lake shore and this means that the weather systems are often different every few kilometers. The storm comes up the middle of the lake but is sporadic. Parts rain, some is just cloud and the best part was where the clouds were so dark and the lightning came screaming straight down on either side of the road.
3 Mr P makes a yummy dinner of BBQ hamburgers and stuffed potatoes. It's much to much food for me so I've packed the other half of my burger for tomorrow's lunch.
4 I find some sugared lavender and will make Lavender Lemonade tomorrow for Book club. It smells divine.

1 comment:

Leonora said...

I've never heard of sugared lavender but it sounds like a treat. I'll need to investigate... : )