Sunday, 30 March 2014

what to do?, happy, ham, and chicks

1 Swept and washed the floors on the main level, removed some water stains from a wood table (baking soda and toothpaste rub),oiled and polished furniture, refilled bird feeder, and hummingbird food is made up and ready for the little birds. It's Sunday.
1 Music to clean by: happy
2 Ham and roasted potatoes with greek salad for dinner. I thought I'd throw an apple pie from the freezer into the oven for dessert but Michie brought a made from scratch lemon meringue pie! Soooo delicious. Thanks hon!
3 The grandkidlets like the little chicks that I got for them for Easter. They make a sound when you put them in the palm of your hand. Izzy puts them up to her ears and says, "These chickies are driving me crazy" and Mommy says, "These kiddies are driving me crazy!"

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