Wednesday, 12 March 2014

don't box me in, rearranged, and is it tea time?

1 Mr P takes a few photos today. I really like this one called, 'Still Boxed Up'. It's kind of how we are living for the next little while as we patch and paint, change out flooring and generally make it what we want it to be. We've changed our minds a few times on colours and types of boards and flooring but it's all coming together now and
2 The priority is the master bedroom and bath. It's in need of paint and flooring. Today we work on sanding, wiping down the walls and priming, otherwise we just might just end up sleeping in the dining room permanently! See #1 to see where we currently are keeping our clothes and accessories!
3 Honestly is it really tea without cookies, scones or something yummy baked? I'm thinking I should get some supplies and bake up a hearty batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies for Mr P, and maybe I'll bake some sugar cookies with Isabelle on Monday when we have her here for the day.

1 comment:

Leonora said...

These look like really nice spaces. I love all the windows. Have fun making it your own!