Sunday 16 March 2014

planning, surgery, and sleeping over

1 Sunday is a day of talking, planning and reassessing things in our life plan. The sun breaks through the clouds occasionally and we stop now and then to breathe and drink in the beauty we have chosen to live in.
2 The family comes for dinner and we take time to talk about the upcoming surgery for little Kesler. He's getting tubes in his ears and possibly the removal of his adenoids. We are all hopeful that this will make a marked improvement in his quality of life. It's not fun having ear aches and pain all the time. Fingers crossed.
3 Isabelle has her first sleep over. She's beyond excited and didn't even flinch when it was time for Mommy, Daddy and Kes to leave. She flies around here brushing hair and teeth and proudly shows off her new jammies. We are still sleeping in the living room so she gets a bed right beside ours.

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