Thursday, 3 April 2014

hoping, great introduction, and why we love

1 The morning is busy with  my class and then a quick trip to the union office to perhaps see my potential boss. I've worked for the union before and I am hoping to continue a temp position here. She's not in but I leave her a note and will send her an email to follow up. Fingers crossed they need someone on their on call list.
2 I meet the two women who work at this office and we get along famously. The one woman tells me she's heard of me and it's all good. We smile at each other and I'm pleased how this first meeting has turned out.
3 When I walk in the door, Izzy runs to me and hugs my legs; Kes comes over too and puts his arms up for me to pick him up. He snuggles in right away. Later when I'm leaving the grocery shop I hear this familiar sweet voice say, "Grama, what are you doing here? Where's Grampa?" It's the first time we've bumped into each other while shopping and I eagerly get my hug and we blow kisses to each other when we part.

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