Friday, 30 August 2013

the cook, the feeders, the business, and the new homeowners!

1 Mr P makes a delicious breakfast for us this morning of poached eggs on gluten free toast and we share some toast that has almond butter, blueberry jam and hemp hearts. Luxury!
2 The hummingbird feeders are all clean and refilled and we hope to lure back the ones that have turned traitor and gone to feed elsewhere.
3 Yesterday was a landmark day. I received my first official cheque for a print and I was featured on the site where I sell my fine art photography! When I took my cheque to get cashed the clerk asks me for a card because she's looking for a photographer for herself. Work is falling into place, it's getting exciting. Making business cards tomorrow!!!

4 The kids have purchased a new home in Kelowna! So proud and happy for them. They move in November 1st! Congrats guys! xoxox

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