Wednesday, 19 September 2012

frap, bathers and rest

1 It is a warm fall day today and perfect for a Starbucks Frozen Frappuccino. Okay so this habit is expensive, time to make my own. Going to try this recipe. I'll let you know how it turns out minus the whip! Just can't do that many calories.
2 The bird bath is definitely drawing the birds for a drink and a swim. Today they share their water source with the frog. Man that guy is everywhere these days.
3 The chiropractor said I know you're not going to like this but you must rest your leg/hip for two days so no long walks or running. Strange how it's only been a bit over a month and I'm so into it and really miss it this morning. Needless to say the leg is much better even after one day of rest. 

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