Monday, 25 March 2013

training, time to grow, care package, and from the children

1 I've started training for a Goddess Run in Victoria happening this June. I'm doing the 5k and am really excited about it. Victoria Goddess Run
2 What a glorious day it was today. The sun just made everything that much better. I picked up some seeds, bedding plants for the greenhouse and a couple of larger plants for the back area. A bayberry and a forsythia.
3 Sara tells me that the children at their school were thrilled with the goodies I sent to them. They didn't get to see it all yet because Nick and Sara are planning Easter festivities with them and they want to surprise the children. They did share the tattoos and I'm extra happy I sent lots! 
4 The children from the tutoring classes send me a voice message that says, "Thank you Nick's Mom." 

1 comment:

Leonora said...

It's such an exciting time, buying seeds and little plantings! We're way behind schedule over my way, but reading yours reminds me of the planting time to come.

I love #4 : )