Saturday, 22 November 2014

two for you

1 There's something special about walking in the cold weather. I feel like a young girl again when I watch how the steam from my breath curls and dances away.
2 I'm so tired that I don't even remember falling asleep.
3 There's a strange noise outside. The wind is howling and the chimes are playing but this is a strange scraping sound. I hear it a couple of times and then decide I should investigate. I open the door to the deck and the sound makes me turn my head quickly and I see it. The noisemaker. The wind is so fierce that it's moving the lawn chair across the deck and I'm so close it that I can see it and catch my breath as it stops about a foot from my feet.
4 Up and out of here early. It's time for the craft fair. Only time for one cuppa java and it's time to roll.
5 Sam makes it so fun. I'm a novice at craft fairs, In fact, it's my first time and I'm a little unsure, okay, more than a little. But she's patient and kind and I find it's much more social than I'd imagined.
6 I love my new mug that I bought as a gift for myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something new. Sam is the artist who has created this loveliness. I love her work. It's in a word, extraordinary .

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