Wednesday, 14 November 2012

no hurts, perfect and interview

1 After all the pruning, raking and piling I thought these old bones would be aching but it's a pleasant surprise that they're not!

2 Yoga class was full but at the last minute a call comes from the teacher and there is an open spot. When I arrive the spot is perfect, in the sun and near the heater so it's extra warm. Practice was perfect.

3 Well, wow! A call comes today inviting me to a job interview at the union office next Tuesday at 1pm. It totally caught me off guard and it is unexpected because the last time the job was posted no one told me and my supervisor even said I'd never have gotten the job. I am embracing the invite and feeling happy to be asked. 

1 comment:

Leonora said...

#2 must be helping with #1 : )

Next Tuesday at 1pm I will be thinking of you. I hope it goes your way!