Thursday, 7 February 2013

pots, birdland, and more than words can say

1 Cherry coloured pots for the inside and outside plants. Outside they will stand out against the pale brick, white garage doors, and the blue/grey trim. Inside they will add a pop of colour in a home that is mostly earth tones.
2 What started out as a windy, rainy day morphed into sunshine and blue skies. The birds too full advantage of the nice weather and once they had a replenished feeder invited all of their friends to come for a 'spring feast.'
3 After trying to install a printer and finding myself a bit stumped I ask for his help and he is more than willing to explain the steps. He usually does all the computer work and after seeing the time and effort involved in just one little thing, I am more than grateful that he handles this task. 

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