Friday, 12 August 2011

two cats, strange noises and our little frog

1. The cats follow me from place to place as I do my gardening. They alternate between sprawling out in the sun and cooling off in the shade. They want petting too and swirl around my legs when I stand still.
2. I'm quietly enjoying my morning cup of coffee when I hear this weird noise coming from the backyard. I think it might be a bear because it's loud but also because the apples and pears are close to being ripe. I decide to go investigate anyways and cautiously head to the woodshed area. There's a tree swaying and some banging. I look up and can't see a thing. hmm Suddenly there's a shrill cry and I realize it's one of the giant squirrels we have here and he's/she's tossing pine cones onto the woodshed. Rapid fire style! I expect the big cat to chase after the squirrel but little cat has been here longer and has a thing for squirrels. She's up that tree in a flash! Lots of commotion, no fatalities, thankfully.
3. The little frog has been absent for a long time but I think I heard him this morning.

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