Monday, 24 July 2017

now and then, friends, change, and success

1 Every now and then, if we're lucky we get an opportunity to look inside of ourselves. To be introspective and to see what's real. The raw parts really. The part of you that is alive.

2 Our dear friends are visiting for a few days. This morning G and I take time to sit on a park bench and just talk. My heart is filled with deep gratitude for my friend and for her big heart.

3 Hair cut and colour, new glasses and a new me. I kinda like these new changes, which is funny for someone who sometimes struggles with change.

4 I struggle with my outward appearance. I always have. So it was a pretty big deal when I put on a bathing suit and put up my hair and went on the water slides. I heard two things that day. From Mr P, "Why don't you just forget about what other people think and enjoy the day." And from Nick, " I'm happy you were able to feel confident enough to do something that made you uncomfortable."

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

NVC, Saturday plans, gardening, and swimming

1 When we started our journey into NVC (NonViolentCommunication) we were looking for ways to communicate better between ourselves. We knew that we struggled with the bits and pieces when we talked and often our discussions would go off the rails. It's tough when that happens and it's often what leads to bitterness, resentment and a struggling relationship. We were tired of that. Seriously, tired of being on that merry go round. We started doing the work, both at our own pace. We have stumbled and failed, we have succeeded and celebrated. Our efforts are paying off. We are still a work in progress but we're connecting and creating the magic. We are able to look inside and now outside of ourselves and see the needs and requests versus the complaints and judgement. It's what we needed, it's what we need.

2 Izzy and Kesler are coming for a sleepover. Oh gosh, these two just melt my heart. Grampa will be headed to a First Aid course all day on Saturday so I'm on kid duty and then going to pick up Nick and his two Chinese Summer Students. Should be a fun weekend.

3 This morning it was time to thin the marigolds that we planted earlier this spring. Izzy's are softer leaves and are a lovely mellow yellow flower that looks like baby sunflowers. She's going to love seeing her garden blooming. Kes will most likely just want "swimming" and that's just fine too.

Monday, 3 July 2017

what we did, what we grew, and milestone

1 It's the long weekend here in Canada. Mr P and I enjoyed dipping our feet in the water at our freinds cabin at Twin Lakes, BBQ'd home made burgers and watched fireworks with our son Nick. The grandkidlets were with mom and dad doing their own BBQ and they built the sweetest fire pit and made 'smores in their own backyard.

2 Our marigolds are taking off. We wondered whether they would even grow at all given they were in a kit! But, they're doing well and need transplanting. It's hot here now, so we probably will have to repot early, and I do mean early in the morning to beat the heat. I like the ones called Lulu's. Light yellow and little flowers that are kinda lacy looking

3 Kesler is reaching milestones. Big ones. I now truly understand the statement, "It takes a village" Yes it does.