Monday, 30 July 2012

a bit more time, kitty and holiday

1 I've rescheduled my final exam to the end of August. With all the conflict in my life it seemed like the right thing to do. It's all good. Now I can study a little bit more.

2 Our cat Kosha spends the afternoon outside with me. As I pull weeds she rolls around on the grass, spooks herself, jumps a foot straight up and then shoots herself under the grape leaves stalking me.

3 He wants to have some fun he says. So we start a mini discussion on places we'd like to holiday. Costa Rica, Cuba and Cancun,  Iceland and Portugal have come up. Any and all suggestions/recommendations are welcome!


Jeny said...

Nice post.........Cuba Holidays

Leonora said...

I can imagine the antics of your cat. She makes a for a happy companion.
I can't recommend any holidays since we don't travel very exotically. You've listed an interesting variety, though! I do have a friend who went to Iceland and she loved it and wishes to go back.