Tuesday, 15 May 2012

lists, fun and sounds like

1 We spend the majority of the day running around trying to get things done so he can head off to the job site and so we can have a short, very short vacation. Good grief, what a long list! But we're getting there...slowly but surely as long as we don't add anything to our lists!
2 He's had so much fun making his secret pathway through the little bit of trees behind our patio. I will have to be sure to keep all the trees watered well.
3 The hummingbirds are finally using the feeders he's put up. They are battling for the right to feed, flying overhead and making sounds that imitate a fisherman casting his line. 


Paula said...

This is a fantastic idea for a blog - I'm very impressed! It must really make you stop, think and take time to really appreciate things and life around you. A good exercise for everyone to take on board - especially in our busy lives where we tend to forget the small good stuff and focus on the bad. I may take a page out of your book and try to note down three things a day too - just for my own personal reference and to remind me to slow down!!
Paula x

Leonora said...

Ooo, I like the secret path into the woods. I can imagine the pine scent and the cool shade.