Wednesday, 24 May 2017

epiphany, lips, and cleaning fiends

1 I've had an experience. The kind that makes you look at life, at love, and at how we view ourselves and others in this crazy, upside down world of ours. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

2 My daughter in law got me hooked on LipSence. It's a fun lipstick addiction. The lipstick goes on in layers and it's supposed to stay on for days. Mine doesn't but then I'm a toucher, licker and generally need more coats but I love, love the colours. My favourites are Bella and Pink Champagne.

3 The wind storm last night brought copious amount of pollen! It is everywhere. It looks like our spring cleaning is getting a repeat performance! Love the smell of my cleaner though. It's Sapadilla. It's an all organic cleaner and the scent I prefer is grapefruit & bergamot.

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