Saturday, 21 April 2012

explorers, scents, gate and sounds

1 We spend part of the day exploring an area of Nanoose Bay. Moorcroft Park. It's an old deactivated summer camp for children that's been shut down and turned into a nature park. It's full of beach, arbutus, douglas fir, red cedars, ferns of every kind, trails, lookouts and meadows. 
1a There's something quite magical about the shore. Can you smell the sea? 
2 It feels good to be outside and walking. We meander down so many trails we get lost and end up at the road. Which turns out to be a good things because it's right near a gate that I wanted to take a picture of. 
3 We heard and saw an owl and an eagle. The eagle make the strangest sounds. Kinda like he/she was having a conversation with the other. 

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