Friday, 25 February 2011

in between, clerk talk and the facts speak for themselves

1. I opened my eyes and gently closed them again. I did this a few times. Open, close, open. In the place between asleep and awake, it was warm and cozy and I wanted more.

2. At the Sally Ann I found a pair of jeans that fit just right. At the till the cashier said, ' Nice snag'. 

3. Realizing that I don't have the control and I have to back off. Feeling saddened yet empowered by that fact. Pleased to be able to see it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please remember: 'not having control' doesn't mean 'not participating'. You wouldn't serve anyone if you didn't offer the best of what you have!
Just cleaned my whiteboard... it's ready for some serious planning!
Miss you already, xo