Friday, 6 October 2017

stormy weather, away again, and easy peasy

1 The morning started with a bright red sunrise which today was a great indication of what was to come. Overcast skies, blowing winds and now rain. The trees and flowers soak it up, readying for the next transition to winter.

2 Time goes slow and fast at the same time doesn't it? Mr P has had almost a year of time off of work. Oh he did odd  jobs here and there but truth be told the man was on vacation. He's up north now and on the 14/7 rotation again. But this time it's a much better fit. He's on his brother's crew and contemplating a career change from electrical to carpentry. I guess we will see where this goes soon enough.

3 Today, I deleted over 3000 fb friends. I had built up my friends list for my network marketing business. Friends technically but in reality they were business prospects not friends. I thought that I'd want to continue my posts and interactions with them but that waned pretty quickly. I wondered if I really needed validation from strangers and my answer was no. Now my friends list is people who I know in real life and who I am genuinely interested in. That was easy.

1 comment:

beth said...

Hi Kathy...
It's Beth from forever focusing.
I sent you an email and I hope that it gets to you...
but just in case, I wanted to thank you for being so sweet for checking in on me!
For now, you can find me on Instagram as buffymac
and Facebook as Beth McWilliams.
Hopefully one day, I'll be back to blogging.
I miss my keyboard terribly.
Typing on phone just doesn't compare!
Hugs to you!