Monday, 24 August 2015

time capsule, goodbyes again, and smokey

1 Spending time with some of my favourite people has gone by way too fast but we managed to have lots of challenges, successes, activities, tears, laughter and new friendships.
2 It's never easy saying goodbye knowing it will be until February when we will see them again. They're generating ideas, making plans and looking to the future to create a new life right here. So exciting.
3 The smoke from the fires in the US has blown in and is creating chaos here too. It smells like wet campfire and sticks to the skin and clothing. Tula seems to have it the worst with a lot of sneezing, lethargy and no desire whatsoever to go outside.
3a You know the air quality is bad when our ER Docs advise O2 be kept in our offices in Kelowna just in case anyone having breathing complications
.‪#‎notgoodforourlungs‬ ‪#‎nocardiotoday‬ ‪#‎washingtonstatefire‬

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