Friday, 17 February 2012

cops, dinner and tea

1 Friday nights are often quiet here but this Friday we do a drive up to Parksville to check out some electronics R is looking at. We drive up the road and miss our turn off so we stop and then find a place to turn around. R says, "I think there's a cop up there, and if I turn around he's gonna come after me." It's raining and I don't see what he's seeing, so I smile indulgently. Sure enough, here comes the officer. He struts to the window and says, "May I see your license please. Why did you turn around?" R says looking for a road and off the officer goes. He comes back and sheepishly says, "Lots of folks do a u turn here when they see us. Have a good night folks." Then peals out and we drive off smiling at his change of attitude. 
2 The restaurant has amazing food. The chef is R's riding buddy so we get extra special attention. I can't wait to go back for lunch and see the amazing view of the ocean.
3 Sleepytime tea.

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