Sunday, 11 December 2011

woods, Christmas tree and Secret Santa rules!

1 We have a slow start to the day but manage to find our way to the woods exploring the back roads. It's been a very long time since I've done that and I'm a little unsure of myself. He of course would love to go down the roads that may or may not be real roads. Maybe they're just trails. One even turned into a small stream/river.Very wintery.

2 We find a cluster of trees that are small but stately. Now we have our Christmas tree and it's a beauty! Decorations go up tomorrow.

3 Secret Santa brought me an electric pencil sharpener, some erasers and H pencils. It's the perfect gift! Who knew? Santa knew lol

4 Our grandson is trying to make his entrance into the world. He needs to stay put a wee bit longer. We're saying prayers for things to settle down and let him grow a little be more before he's born.


Leonora said...

Exploring the winter woods sounds very nice.
I'm adding my prayers for your grandson's birth, that he make a happy and healthy entrance into the world!

Unknown said...

Happy best birthday, lovey! I hope all your wishes are granted today. Lots of love and buttercream icing with chocolate syrup and sparklers... xoxox President of the Kathy fanclub (me, Shannon)!