Friday, 31 May 2019

coffee, littles and Fran

1 Morning coffee on the deck.

2 The littles are coming the a visit this afternoon. I've missed them so much. Looks like it's a swimming & pizza kind of day. 

3 I've got an online friend I've never net. We have been friends for over 10 years. It's interesting how much we have in common, how we can support each other, and find the good in being friends. Fran, you're a DOLL!!

Saturday, 25 May 2019

hug, blessings, and how does your garden grow?

1 A random hug that meant everything.

2 The grandkidlets are back from California. They brought their other grandma back, Lola. She's sweet and just the most caring person ever. How lucky are those grandkids to have her living with them for the next few months. Blessed, I'd said, very blessed.

3 The lilac had taken on a life of its own. In one short season the roots had taken hold and the shoots were spreading out, crowding the other plants. Mr P and I got to work getting it out, and into a new home just a few feet away, but down the bank a bit. The hope is that the lilac will spread along the bank and create a lovely wall of flowers and leaves creating a lovely backdrop for the new bed scheduled to go in front. I couldn't resist and I've left a few sprouts in there and as they grow bigger, we'll move them also the the lilac patch. Meantime, what should I plant in the space left by the lilac?
I've got peonies, lavender and roses, feverfews and a rhodo, 2 more well behaved lilacs who can stay and a dogwood. Oh and hostas!