1 She shares stories interspersed with laughter and giggles.
2 There's an element of trust that's between us.
3 I bought 3 t-shirts and they all shrank after washing. Thankfully I have the tags and receipt. I'm definitely not an xs.
Faith makes all things possible
Hope makes all things work
Love makes all things beautiful
1 She shares stories interspersed with laughter and giggles.
2 There's an element of trust that's between us.
3 I bought 3 t-shirts and they all shrank after washing. Thankfully I have the tags and receipt. I'm definitely not an xs.
1 Moon pies and chocolate covered strawberries were the perfect end to our Valentine's Day.
2 Finding space for others means everyone gets their needs met.
3 Loving my people.
1 Sometimes solitude is the best way.
2 Pink skies.
3 Planning what seeds to start indoors.
1 Saying less.
2 Admiring tulips knowing you won't buy them and neither will anyone buy them for you.
3 A cat on your lap on a very cold -12C night.
1 She comes bearing gifts and her hug is the best one.
2 Paint and brush to paper.
3 Quietness, kindness and a gentleness that reaches to the heart.
1 Working collaboratively on a few projects together.
2 Receiving back and hand massages. Touch is the most amazing way to make a connection.
3 Dark chocolate that was hidden is found.
1 A very quiet day at home. A balm for the soul.
2 We walked in the rain. It was cool but not cold and the raindrops clung to the branches and berries.
3 Bûche de Nöel. She made it perfectly just for us.