Saturday, 1 December 2012

menu items, Grandma Vicky and slow but steady

1 Freshly made chicken vegetable soup with gluten free buns. Tonight's fare is simple and yet so very satisfying. Perhaps it was just one of those rainy Saturdays where it just was the perfect meal.

2 It's time to get some fresh local eggs so we head to a farm up the road and I get to meet the owner. Grandma Vicky she calls herself. She tells us she used to have school tours through the farm and used the name for years. She is full of life and stories and we make an agreement to visit at her home in spring when the weather is warm and her flowers are blooming.

3 Our run was wet, wet, wet, but we did it. Today was almost 4km in 40 minutes. We aren't breaking any records but we had fun. 

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