Saturday 27 December 2014

just a bit of fun, food, roads, and it's a date

1 We have a bit of fun just puttering around and then we're off on our dump date. He loads up the truck and trailer with branches from a tree we've "pruned", and pruned harshly, and we are off!
2 I have a chance to whip up a pot of turkey chow mien with our leftovers. It's perfect and light for our late afternoon meal.
3 The roads are wet but not too slippery on my way to work. I'll see what it's like when I leave in a few hours. So thankful for good solid winter tires. 
3a I miss the kidlets and all of their noise, but we are recruited to watch them on Tuesday so Daddy and Mummy and their other grampa can take in a movie. What will we plan to do with them? 

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